Zmanim Charts


Explanation of files used for this feature

Google Sheets

Simply click this link and copy.

Excel Files

This sheet is older and no longer maintained. For updated features, use the Google sheet. We have included two Excel files in the Zmanim folder

  1. Zmanim – YTA.xlsx – This is an older file. Since it was used for several years it has many more tabs covering a wide gamut of chart types a Shul will need over the year.
  2. Zmanim – CWS.xlsx – This is a newer file. It has much fewer charts as it was used for a shorter priod of time but has more advanced features. 


  • We have included a few PDFs to show how the sheets will look if the fonts we used are installed on your computer. The lines on the print version are thinner than they appear in the PDF.
  • For Excel version only: Fonts can be found in the Fonts folder. As a side note, we specifically use a font for the time that lacks English letters. This is so AM and PM don’t show, providing a neater look.


Setting up your contact information and Zmanim preferences

  • Dashboard Tab: The first tab on the sheet is entitled “Dashboard”; this sheet controls much of what will display throughout the file. This simplifies making changes that affect many sheets.
  • Contact Information: This section has various contact information and other text that displays on the charts, like Shul name and address. Simply put your contact information in this sheet and now the entire file will have your Shul’s name and contact information on the chart. One notable exception is on the “Zmanim – All” Sheet. There you will need to update the information in the header and footer settings [Google Sheets – see this screenshot. Excel: Page Layout > Page Setup > Header/Footer]
  • Shabbos Zmanim: This section controls the Zmanim for Shabbos throughout the sheet. This has not been fully implemented for the Yom Tov Zmanim.

Zmanim Setup

Instructions for setting up Shabbos Zmanim for the year

  • Introduction: Here we come to the primary feature of these charts. All Zmanim for all Shabbosim are pulled from one central chart called “Zmanim – All“. All the Zmanim on this chart are populated automatically based on formulas and Shkiah which is pulled from a tab named with the Hebrew year; in our case it’s 5777. This chart was downloaded from Below are step by step instructions for the yearly setup. These instructions assume that the user has a basic understanding of Excel.
  1. Purchase the Zmanim chart from We used “Schm1”; if you use a different version the formulas will need adjustment accordingly.
  2. Create a new tab and paste in the chart. Name the tab with the current year. Note: the chart setup can change from year to year. If it does you have two options, either update your formulas or rearrange columns to ensure the columns being referenced are in the same position as last year.
  3. On the Zmanim – All tab do a find and replace from last year to this year. E.g. find: 5776 and replace all in this sheet with 5777.
  4. The formulas are using a vlookup on the date columns to pull the correct information, so we will need to update them for the new year. Simply update rows 2 and 3 on the two date columns.
  5. Select rows 2  and 3 and then drag down the left corner to the bottom of the sheet; Excel will fill the rest of the dates with intervals of 7.
  6. As not every year will have the same amount of weeks you might need to add or delete rows. Whenever adding rows, just select two rows and drag down the auto complete as above.
  7. Molad: The only thing left is for us to update the Molad. Go to the Molad Sheet and copy in the molad text from MyZmanim This is available separately; they will provide a link for “Order perks” in the order conformation email. Copy text into column C [columns A & B parse out column  C].
  8. You are now done! You have successfully setup Zmanim for all Shabbosim.

Printing the Charts

Instructions on printing the weekly Zmanim Charts

  • Chart for a full year: This tab has a number of columns used only for calculations; by using the “page break view” they have been excluded from printing. In addition, row 1 with the headers will repeat on each page, as will the header and footer.
  • Weekly Chart: Now that we have setup the Shabbos Zmanim all we need to do is go to the Shabbos tab, pull the correct week from the drop down, and the sheet will automatically update with that weeks Zmanim.